This evening, I had to "take a number" just to get on a computer. In my own home. A home, I might add, that offers four computers for use at any given time. A home which only houses four people, as far as I know.
This actually happens more often than I would like. Teenagers rarely travel singly. Frequently, we have a teenage population that outnumbers our adult population more than two to one. If you know any teenagers, you will know that they are all psychologically dependent on MSN. (At least, the ones that I encounter are.) Hence my inability to get within blogging range of a keyboard until after 9:30 p.m. this evening. (In all honesty, I could have demanded a computer, but not without risking psychological damage to some random teenager. And I figure they have enough problems, what with acne and relational bullying and all.)
As you may know, my blogging marathon challenge clock was ticking. Tomorrow is the end of week two, and I have to come up with something at least two paragraphs long, STAT!
(okay, now you're catching on... this is my cop-out post. A post about a post, and not much else. I have decided to allow myself only one of these, so using it up so early into the six week marathon is probably unwise.)
While I was waiting for someone to relinquish their keyboard, I sat, staring at the back of my husband's head while he played Diablo, and the 3/4 profile of the teenagers as they exchanged their worldly wisdom with the rest of teen aged cyberspace. Not exactly the most inspiring view.
Bored to tears, and with no electronic ability to express myself, I had a retro moment. I picked up a carpenter's pencil and a piece of printer paper, and began to doodle. The doodle turned into a sketch. Not a particularly good sketch, or even a sketch that resembles anyone in particular. It was, however, the first sketch I've done in quite some time.
And THAT is what makes this week's post blog-worthy. In some Bizzarro-world way, Heather's challenge to express myself through the uber-trendy, electronic-dependant medium of blogging resulted in my rediscovery of my original, ancient, "old school" form of expression, drawing.
I'm sure there are ways of explaining this through scientific means. Maybe the synapses responsible for language-based and visually-based creativity are shared. Maybe my boredom threshold triggers my imagination, and that's connected to my visual creativity. Maybe it was the wine I neglected to mention earlier.
Whatever the connection, I'm really glad that I accepted Heather's challenge!
This actually happens more often than I would like. Teenagers rarely travel singly. Frequently, we have a teenage population that outnumbers our adult population more than two to one. If you know any teenagers, you will know that they are all psychologically dependent on MSN. (At least, the ones that I encounter are.) Hence my inability to get within blogging range of a keyboard until after 9:30 p.m. this evening. (In all honesty, I could have demanded a computer, but not without risking psychological damage to some random teenager. And I figure they have enough problems, what with acne and relational bullying and all.)
As you may know, my blogging marathon challenge clock was ticking. Tomorrow is the end of week two, and I have to come up with something at least two paragraphs long, STAT!
(okay, now you're catching on... this is my cop-out post. A post about a post, and not much else. I have decided to allow myself only one of these, so using it up so early into the six week marathon is probably unwise.)
While I was waiting for someone to relinquish their keyboard, I sat, staring at the back of my husband's head while he played Diablo, and the 3/4 profile of the teenagers as they exchanged their worldly wisdom with the rest of teen aged cyberspace. Not exactly the most inspiring view.
Bored to tears, and with no electronic ability to express myself, I had a retro moment. I picked up a carpenter's pencil and a piece of printer paper, and began to doodle. The doodle turned into a sketch. Not a particularly good sketch, or even a sketch that resembles anyone in particular. It was, however, the first sketch I've done in quite some time.
And THAT is what makes this week's post blog-worthy. In some Bizzarro-world way, Heather's challenge to express myself through the uber-trendy, electronic-dependant medium of blogging resulted in my rediscovery of my original, ancient, "old school" form of expression, drawing.
I'm sure there are ways of explaining this through scientific means. Maybe the synapses responsible for language-based and visually-based creativity are shared. Maybe my boredom threshold triggers my imagination, and that's connected to my visual creativity. Maybe it was the wine I neglected to mention earlier.
Whatever the connection, I'm really glad that I accepted Heather's challenge!
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